Progression chart

TLC follows the UK National Curriculum for Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS, children aged 3 to 5 years old), Primary Grades 1 to 6 (children aged 5 to 11 years old) and Secondary.

Children in younger year groups (ie children aged 1 to 3 years old) follow an early years` programme designed to prepare them for the demands of the EYFS.

The Primary Curriculum is divided into blocks called `Key Stages` (KS). Primary Years 1 and 2 are located in Key Stage 1 (KS1). Primary Years 3 to 6 are located in Key Stage 2 (KS2).

Secondary education is divided into Key Stage 3 for ages 11–13 and Key Stage 4 for ages 14–15.  

The table below provides an overview of progression from Nursery 1 to the Early Years Foundation Stage, on to Primary (Grades 1-6, Key Stages 1 and 2) and then Secondary (Grade 7, Key Stage 3).

Age Year Group Year Group
1-2 years old Nursery One (Pre School) Prep for EYFS
2-3 years old Nursery Two (Pre School) Prep for EYFS
3-4 years old Nursery Three (KG1) EYFS
4-5 years old Reception (KG2) EYFS
5-6 years old Grade 1 KS1 Primary
6-7 years old Grade 2 KS1 Primary
7-8 years old Grade 3 KS2 Primary
8-9 years old Grade 4 KS2 Primary
9-10 years old Grade 5 KS2 Primary
10-11 years old Grade 6 KS2 Primary
11-12 years oldGrade 7KS3 Secondary